Having run my own business for several years, returning to employment and the solicitor apprenticeship, in the more traditional sense of the word, has been a big change for my family and me.
There have been some trying obstacles to overcome, and some occasions when staying late at the office has been necessary. However, this is certainly not the norm, and much to my children’s delight, I have been home in time for tea most nights, allowing me to fulfil the fatherly role of ‘borrowing’ their food – especially pudding!
The amount of time needed to study shocked us all, especially me, considering how long ago I left formal education. However, I have overcome this hurdle (for now) by making small tweaks to my routine. I’ve put my textbooks on my iPad, so my commute no longer feels wasted. Like a timelord, I’ve stretched the hours by sneaking in an hour or so of studying after the children have gone to bed, a few hours at the weekend, and a whole day of studying thanks to the study leave given to us by RIAA Barker Gillette.
Six years can feel like a long time, but what sets my mind at ease when thinking about the future is the level of support we receive at RIAA Barker Gillette, much of which comes from our close working relationship with our mentors. My mentor, Laura St Gallay, has been with me from the start, and we now work closely together in the dispute resolution department. Laura interviewed me, showed me around on my first day, settled me in, and mentored me ever since. She has made working alongside learning a rewarding experience.
As a member of the dispute resolution team, I have been exposed to various civil and criminal cases. They’re fast-paced, and it’s an exciting role that I enjoy.
What an opportunity to get paid to go to University whilst at the same time qualifying as a solicitor and training at a top West End firm.
We are all very pleased six months in and look forward to our future at RIAA Barker Gillette.
Patrick Simpson qualified as a solicitor in 2023. Speak to him today to find out more about the solicitor apprenticeship and his journey.
Note: This article is not legal advice; it provides information of general interest about current legal issues.