UK team

Alex Deal
Alex Deal, RIAA Barker Gillette UK's Managing Partner. A man in a dark suit and white shirt with a grey beard and hair
Anam Mohammed
Anam Mohammed
Ayla Ahmed
Ben Marks
Ben Marks Profile Picture
Carly Aitchison
Carly Aitchison
Charlotte Barbaroussis
Charlotte Barbaroussis Profile Picture
Daniel Downes
Daniel Downes Profile Picture
Daniela Mensano
Daniela Mensano
Debbie Grant
Debbie Grant
Evangelos Kyveris
Evangelos Kyveris
Finn Skinner
Finn Skinner. A Young man in a grey suit, dark tie and white shirt.
Grayson Stuckey
Grayson Stuckey Profile Picture
Hana Barlas
Hana Barlas A woman in dark clothing with dark hair
Herman Cheung
Herman Cheung
James McMullan
James McMullan
John Gillette
Kane Robin
Kane Robin
Karen Cole
Karen Cole
Laura St-Gallay
Laura St-Gallay
Laura Thurlow
Laura Thurlow
M. Qaiser Khanzada
M. Qaiser Khanzada
Maheen Khalid
Maheen Khalid
Martin Alfreds
Martin Alfreds
Michael H. Davies
Patrick Simpson
Patrick Simpson
Peter Wright
Peter Wright
Pippa Marshall
Pippa Marshall
Stella Meytanis
Stella Meytanis Profile Picture
Stuart Jacobs
Stuart Jacobs - a man in a dark suit with light hair
Susan Humble
Susan Humble, a woman with medium length blonde fair wearing a dark velvet dress
Veronica Hartley
Victoria Holland
Victoria Holland
Vinay Verma
Vinay Verma

Alliance contacts

United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom