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Protecting your digital memories

James McMullan looks at why it is worthwhile to put plans in place to protect your digital memories for your loved ones when you pass away and how you can do this.

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SDLT changes ahead for multiple and mixed-use purchases

Property buyers looking to pay reduced stamp duty rates when buying multiple residential properties or claiming mixed residential and non-residential use can expect a tightening of the rules following a consultation by HMRC.

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Inheritance Tax account IHT100 forms

HMRC announces an updated approach to the clearance process and the timeline for IHT100 Inheritance Tax account forms.

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Check the ground rules to avoid boundary disputes

Warm weather and longer days see a surge in interest in garden works each year, and where householders improve and replace, boundary disputes are sure to follow.

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Ensure equality in residential tenancies

For residential landlords, identity checks on prospective tenants can be challenging and the penalties harsh for getting it wrong; but trying to avoid tenants with complex immigration status is not an option, as this opens the way to claims of unlawful discrimination.

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No blame but challenges remain…

When the clock finally chimed for no-fault divorce, courts saw a surge in petitions from couples looking to avoid the blame game but challenges still lie ahead for couples leaving a marriage.

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Christmas party: avoiding a cracker of a hangover

As the clock ticks down to Christmas party time, companies need to avoid the event becoming the wrong sort of cracker.

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Debunking myths about dying without a will (intestate)

Making a will is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. However, research from Royal London* found that 5.4 million adults in the UK do not have a will.

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Why a Lasting Power of Attorney is a business essential

When estate planning and will drafting, business owners often overlook the impact it may have on their business affairs. James McMullan highlights the issues that business owners need to consider.

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The life stages of legacy planning

Record property values and family structures make inheritance planning a growing issue yet research shows that more than half of adults in the UK do not have a will in place, with the figure rising to almost 60% among parents.

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Whistleblowers: A quick guide

Whistleblowers are protected by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, which means it’s against the law for anyone to be treated unfairly or dismissed because they have blown the whistle.

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Dismissed with less than two years’ service?

If you have been employed for less than two years and your employer dismisses you, generally, you have will have no claim for unfair dismissal.

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