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Embarrassing regulation breach for the MoJ

Businesses must ensure they are on the right side of the regulations when it comes to advertising or posting on social media.

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Changes in Family Law in the last 12 months

There have been various developments within family law over the last year or so, but the two which have changed the way that we look at divorce is the introduction of no-fault divorce and the trend towards Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

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Rising living costs can affect your maintenance order

In many cases, the cost of living crisis is likely to affect ongoing maintenance payments. We explore the topic and the solution available.

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HMRC deadline dispensation for trustees

Trustees who missed the September deadline to comply with the expanded scope of the Trust Registration regime have been thrown a lifeline by HMRC. HMRC will not penalise those who missed the cut-off date through ignorance.

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HMRC impose new obligations on trustees

Trustees must register their trust with the Trust Registration Service by 1 September 2021, even if it does not incur a tax liability.

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Crunch time for residential landlords?

Proposed new legislation is the latest in a fast-changing landscape for the private rented sector.

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Drones – Keep them out of my air space

Recently this firm handed its office lease back to its landlord, who had commissioned a drone survey of our hard-to-get-to roof to see how dilapidated it was. A voice in my head said, 'that's our air space, and you need our consent to fly your drone in it'. It was an interesting thought.

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Principles behind principles

New Year, a time for resolutions, for predictions about the year ahead, for reflection and hopes, for joining gyms and visiting them occasionally. This article will have none of that! There are no dreams here, only nightmares better suited to Halloween.

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Business Interruption Insurance

After the Supreme Court's judgment earlier in the year, what are the legal and practical impacts of the FCA's business interruption insurance test case?

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Security camera neighbour comes unstuck

The Christmas holidays provide an opportunity to catch up with jobs around the house, but this could lead to trouble, as Mr Woodard found out when installing security devices around his home.

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Parents: No need to Claus a Scene at Christmas

While Christmas is one of the most joyous times of the year, it can be challenging for separated families.

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Excluding liability in commercial contracts

Most commercial contracts use liability clauses to manage risks in the event of default, either by excluding liability altogether or setting a limit on liability.

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