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National Pet Month – Have you got a pet-nup in place?

National Pet Month runs from April 1 - May 1 2023, and aims to promote responsible pet ownership. As a nation, we love our pets, and with more than half of households in the UK owning at least one pet, pets are a huge part of our lives for many of us.

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Home visits for wills, LPAs and other sensitive topics

If you are considering a meeting with solicitors, attending an office can be daunting especially if you want to discuss something as personal as your will, LPA or have recently suffered a bereavement. In addition, maintaining emotions can be difficult especially in a busy professional setting.

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The UAE’s new civil family law regime

We summarise the UAE's new civil family law regime and what it means to expats wishing to marry or divorce in the UAE.

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Overseas companies with UK property update

"Overseas companies with property interests in the UK must comply with new money laundering legislation." says property partner Ben Marks.

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A guide to the Economic Crime Act 2022

The Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022 is a newly enacted legislation to bolster the UK’s battle against economic crime.

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Christmas temps – what are the rules?

For many businesses, Christmas is often the busiest time of the year. As a result, employers welcome extra support from temporary staff known as 'Christmas temps'.

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GDPR: Are you ready?

After four years of wrangling, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations come into effect from 28 May 2018. That gives everyone affected less than a year to make sure they are ready for the changes, and that they comply to the letter of the law.

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Stripping it back to understand dress codes

This summer has seen dress codes being re-written by Royalty, MPs and now the Anglican church, leaving many wondering where they stand in the workplace.

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Full Disclosure

Standard property enquiries seem to get longer and longer and providing replies can be an onerous task.

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Hope for the best, prepare for the worst

While pre-nuptial agreements are becoming more and more popular, many still see them as cynical and unromantic. After all, why would you want to marry someone if you thought you might break up with them? However, it may be worth thinking of a pre-nuptial agreement as an “insurance policy” rather than a “break-up agreement”.

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Seven things to consider before you let through Airbnb

If you’re a tenant under a lease, you must consider the following before you let through Airbnb:

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What is a SOSR dismissal?

“Some other substantial reason”

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