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The Bribery Act 2010

In January 2016, the first UK company to be prosecuted for corruption was sentenced to a fine of just over £1.3m, had over £800k confiscated and was ordered to pay £25k in prosecution costs, with two directors being convicted and sentenced in 2015.

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Implied terms

The Supreme Court has recently clarified the law on implied terms in Marks & Spencer plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd.

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Commercial rent arrears recovery from 6 April 2014

On 6 April 2014, the government abolished the common law right known as “distress”, no longer allowing a landlord to seize a tenant’s goods and sell them to recover outstanding rent arrears.

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Barker Gillette LLP and Lucas McMullan Jacobs Merge

Barker Gillette LLP and Lucas McMullan Jacobs are delighted to announce their merger as from 3 November 2014.

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HMRC launches Alternative Dispute Resolution service

HMRC have launched a way for small businesses and individuals to resolve disputes after a successful trial.

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Dealing with employee theft

Suspicion is one thing. Solid facts are another.

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Sign of the times

It is widely known that you may need planning permission for an extension to your house, or to add a new building to your business complex or even to put up a large wall, but did you know that you may also need permission to put up a sign?

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Contract formation

Contrary to popular belief, legally binding contracts don’t always take the form of lengthy written documents

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Share schemes: a perk or a pain?

It’s only fair that if your team do a good job, you offer them a reward. Share schemes can act to incentivise a team, or they can turn out to be a pain in the bank account.

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How can you protect your business when customers call in the bailiffs?

Disputes between businesses and customers are common. If you cannot agree a settlement, your business may be called to the Small Claims Court or a higher court.

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Part 2: Crossing and dotting makes for clear contracts

Making a case study of an enforceable contract: the judgement in the case of Blue v Ashley

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