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The Bribery Act 2010

In January 2016, the first UK company to be prosecuted for corruption was sentenced to a fine of just over £1.3m, had over £800k confiscated and was ordered to pay £25k in prosecution costs, with two directors being convicted and sentenced in 2015.

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Implied terms

The Supreme Court has recently clarified the law on implied terms in Marks & Spencer plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd.

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Commercial rent arrears recovery from 6 April 2014

On 6 April 2014, the government abolished the common law right known as “distress”, no longer allowing a landlord to seize a tenant’s goods and sell them to recover outstanding rent arrears.

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Barker Gillette LLP and Lucas McMullan Jacobs Merge

Barker Gillette LLP and Lucas McMullan Jacobs are delighted to announce their merger as from 3 November 2014.

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HMRC launches Alternative Dispute Resolution service

HMRC have launched a way for small businesses and individuals to resolve disputes after a successful trial.

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Employee data subject access requests

An individual’s right of access to data which is collected about them is set out in the new Data Protection Act 2018.

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Islamic Wills in England and Wales

Sharia law sets out strict rules that determine how an individual’s assets are administered upon death.

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Tracking your digital worth for the next generation

The value of our online lives is worth billions of pounds but many of these assets may never be passed on, as people are failing to record their digital worth.

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Cohabitant agreements: giving unmarried couples rights

It is an unfair fact of life, but in the eyes of the law a married couple has far more protection than a cohabiting, unmarried partnership.

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Understanding leasehold property

To make your home your castle, be sure who owns the drawbridge...

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Voluntary workers

Their rights and your responsibilities as an employer

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