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Vacant properties ‘stolen’ by fraudsters

A recent High Court case, Dreamvar (UK) Ltd -v- Mishcon De Reya (A Firm), demonstrated that the Land Registry could spot a fraudulent transaction.

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Footballer Rohan Ince cleared by jury

Steven Barker, supported by Carly Aitchison and led by Brian O’Neill QC successfully defended footballer Rohan Ince on Wednesday, 15 February 2017.

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Courts hit high and hard with new health and safety fines

One year after the introduction of tough new health and safety sentencing guidelines, a series of high profile cases show that courts are not holding back when it comes to imposing the higher fines, which can be directly linked to a corporate defendant’s turnover.

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Complex challenges for employers in the year ahead

Constant changes and increasing complexity have helped make employment law a frontline challenge for business and this year looks set to continue the trend.

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Getting to work amidst travel chaos and disruption

There are several reasons why employees may have trouble getting to work because of major disruptions. The common cause recently is the ASLEF and RMT strikes affecting Southern and Gatwick Express train services, with the next bout of strikes planned for 24, 25 and 27 January. On Monday, tube strikes also affected commuters having a massive impact on businesses in London. And with today’s weather both ice and snow are affecting the roads and public transport around the country. The question is what can employers do?

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Equal Pay Day 2016

Equal pay day falls today, 10 November 2016, only one day later than last year. This means that women stop earning relative to men today.

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Caste discrimination at work

Caste is not currently one of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 and therefore caste discrimination is not explicitly prohibited.

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When the end of summer spells the end of a marriage

Lawyers often talk about ‘divorce day’ in January and report a similar surge when summer holidays are over. Research* looking at the timing of divorce petitions bears this out, with peaks after the summer and winter holidays. The researchers suggest that while troubled couples may view holidays as a time to stand together for children and an opportunity to mend relationships, the reality is that proximity exacerbates tensions and may be the final straw for many.

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Too poor for retirement?

Why younger generations will have to work more, save more or spend less

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Landlords must check they hit the spot with deposits

Claims for incorrectly handled property rental deposits are soaring and landlords should be alert to the danger and ensure they or their agents are complying with the legal requirements, if they want to avoid high penalties

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The hidden disability: when mental health affects employee wellbeing

Last week’s World Mental Health Day, acts as a good reminder for employers to revisit their policy and culture to see if they match up to best practice

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ACAS guidance on employment references

Coinciding with the Employment Tribunal’s recent decision in the case of Francis-McGann v West Atlantic UK Limited, where an employee faked a reference using the name of a Star Wars villain (read our article The Employment Tribunal Strikes Back), ACAS has released new guidance on employment references.

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