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Small suppliers to get info on big companies’ payment performance

New regulations designed to help small businesses get paid on time came into force in April, with a requirement for larger companies to publish information about how long they take to pay suppliers.

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Calculating holiday pay – change on the horizon?

In the UK, many employers calculate holiday pay based on basic salary alone – even if an employee usually receives commission. However, a landmark court case seems set to change this.

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House sellers are facing testing questions

Springtime is traditionally the busiest time for the property market, but with a knotty problem affecting more homes than ever, whether you’re buying or selling, it’s worth doing some horticultural homework before you start.

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How to make money from home: rent a room

In 1992 the government introduced the Rent a Room Relief. This allows individuals to make a tax-free income for renting a furnished room in their residential home.

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Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Historically, men have been paid more than women undertaking the same role. In July 2015, former PM David Cameron announced steps to end the gender pay gap in a generation.

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Wealth Tax or Stamp Duty Land Tax?

Many observers of the London property market would have been hoping for a reduction in Stamp Duty Land Tax rates in the UK government's recent budget announcement, but to no avail.

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What lies beneath…

If you’re investing in or developing property, be aware that any mines and minerals beneath the surface could be owned by someone else.

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Can you ever be too young to create a Lasting Power of Attorney?

While most Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) are created by older people, mental capacity issues can strike at any age. Anyone can fall foul of an illness or accident which leaves them incapacitated or even in a coma.

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Death and taxes are said to be the two certainties of life…

While we often stop and have a moan about taxes; very little thought is often given to death itself.

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New trade mark rules simplify counterfeit challenges

A branding challenge toppled the golden arches when a small Irish fast food company managed to block the international McDonald's food chain from trademarking the terms Big Mac and Mc throughout Europe.

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Misbehaviour at the office Christmas party?

Litigation involving the antics of misbehaving employees at the office Christmas party have not only shown that sometimes fact is stranger than fiction, but that on occasion the long-awaited Christmas party can go badly wrong.

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Millennials moving away from marriage

There has been a spate of recent media articles highlighting the numbers of young people in their 20s and 30s staying away from marriage, either entirely or until later life.

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