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Red flag for employers

Who’s who on the payroll is an ongoing challenge for employers in the run up to new payslip requirements

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Online divorce, but complex cases will keep their day in court

RIAA Barker Gillette has an excellent family team who can advise on all topics this article raises, including drafting pre-nups on a fixed fee basis*.

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The Employment Tribunal Strikes Back

A pilot who provided a fake reference from a Star Wars villain has been ordered to repay his training costs

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Overseas Entities: Public Beneficial Ownership Register

From 2021 overseas entities will be required to register with Companies House before they can be registered as the legal owner of UK land.

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Bump in the night for Airbnb landlords

Rule changes on short term lets could see part-time landlords hit by a new tax bill from next year if they let out their whole property.

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Oral modification of contracts

In a recent seminal case, the Supreme Court held that a “no oral modification” clause was legally effective

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Holiday entitlement, pay and furlough

What are my employees entitled to?

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COVID-19: Due diligence issues in corporate transactions

The outbreak of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) brought widescale market disruption, government-imposed lockdowns and global restrictions on travel which, in turn, triggered wholesale shifts in working arrangements and widespread cash flow and liquidity issues for many businesses.

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Four steps to reduce the chances of a contested will (Part 2)

Last month we set out the reasons why instructing a solicitor can reduce the chances of your will being contested after your death (read the article here).

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Non-Compete. Get it right to protect against competition

Companies looking to protect their business by relying on non-compete clauses for key employees should check that any post-termination restrictions are reasonable.

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How TUPE protects when employees transfer

A property management company ran into a brick wall when they tried to boost their benefits package before transferring to a new employer under the TUPE employment protection regulations.

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How to reduce the chances of a will being contested (Part 1)

One of the main reasons people draft a will is to give their family peace of mind. The last thing they want is for their friends and family to be squabbling over their assets when they die.

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