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Greater protection for pregnant women and new parents

New proposals to give pregnant women and new mothers returning to work greater protection from being treated unfairly were published in January by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

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Equality takes centre stage for employers

The #TimesUp campaign has captured headlines with its push for greater diversity and equality in Hollywood and the entertainment sector, but these shifting attitudes are mirrored in legislative changes in the UK which will affect employers in the coming months.

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Soaring fees set deadline for executors and estate planning

Controversial court fees which have been branded a stealth tax on bereaved families are expected to prompt a surge in probate applications before the hike hits. The new banded fee structure will see the cost of probate soar by thousands of pounds for higher value estates.

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Brexit and employment law

Whichever side of the Brexit fence you sit on, there is no doubt that Brexit has the potential for far reaching implications for the UK.

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Parental bereavement (leave and pay)

On 13 September 2018, a new workplace right to paid leave for bereaved parents was implemented.

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Landlords face tough new regime for tenant protection

Landlords could face high fines if they are not up to date with the latest legislation designed to protect tenants.

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Lockdown your data whilst remote working

Businesses processing personal data must keep the protection of customer and employee data at the front of continuity planning as they tackle the Coronavirus threat.

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Co-parenting during COVID-19

With the kids at home and the country in lockdown, it is an incredibly difficult time for all families right now, but even more so for those families where parents are separated or are separating.

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Don’t put your footer in it when it comes to contracts

Companies are being urged to review their electronic procedures following a court ruling that an automatic email signature could suffice to conclude a binding contract.

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Trial periods in a redundancy scenario

The Employment Tribunal has ruled that employers must give clear notice of the termination of the redundant role when any alternative employment is offered, and a trial period commences during a redundancy consultation.

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Human rights, employment and social media

The European Court of Human Rights has held that the dismissal of an employee for writing a social blog could be a violation of their human rights under the right to freedom of expression.

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Gifts and entertainment or bribery and corruption?

Under the Bribery Act 2010, any corporate gift or hospitality must be reasonable and proportionate. Companies who get it wrong may find themselves on the wrong side of the law.

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