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True intentions

The Supreme Court rules on the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954

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The New Tenant Fees Act 2019: How will it affect you?

In June 2019, a new Act came into force that has a profound effect on the rental market.

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Eco-Law: striving to be an ethical lawyer with impact

While there may be some dinosaurs still rejecting even the concept of anthropogenic climate change, the rest of us are aware of the need not to ignore the scientific data.

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Reform set to cut complexity of inheritance tax

Proposed changes could have far-reaching implications for future estate tax planning

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Fines fly following airline cyber breach

The news that British Airways is facing a fine of £184m after personal data of some 500,000 customers was harvested by cybercriminals shows the tough stance of the UK’s data regulator following the introduction of new EU data protection laws last year.

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Proposed changes to the leasehold reform system

Here, we look at the committee’s findings, examine what the government’s response is likely to be, and discuss the reaction of the housing sector so far.

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The “Gig Economy” what does it mean?

The gig economy continues to make headlines but why and what does it mean?

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The Data Protection Bill: How will it affect e-business?

How safe is your customers’ data? Are you managing their information responsibly, and, more importantly, correctly in the eyes of the law?

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Brexit Deal: One man’s view

We are sleepwalking into Brexit chaos. Unless a second referendum is held as soon as possible we could be facing a triple whammy of no deal, a general election, and a late realisation that a second referendum is required, all at the same time in early 2019.

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Tenant alterations

During the term of your lease, you may find that your property requirements change and that you need to make alterations to your premises, whether internal, external or structural. If you find yourself in this situation, one of the first things you must consider (in addition to any planning and statutory requirements) are the terms of your lease.

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Getting it right to grow the spirit of enterprise

Enthusiasm for small enterprise is seeing increasing numbers trying to make it as entrepreneurs and inventors, whether alongside the day job, bringing up children, or even school/work.

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How vulnerable is your business to hackers?

Do you know what a DDOS attack is? Are you more vulnerable than the Greeks to Trojan attacks, or do you have enough Bitcoins stuck down the back of your virtual sofa to pay off a hijacker? Hackers are getting smarter, more ruthless, and more determined every day. And they’re not just focusing their efforts on the big corporations any more.

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