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True intentions

The Supreme Court rules on the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954

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The New Tenant Fees Act 2019: How will it affect you?

In June 2019, a new Act came into force that has a profound effect on the rental market.

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Eco-Law: striving to be an ethical lawyer with impact

While there may be some dinosaurs still rejecting even the concept of anthropogenic climate change, the rest of us are aware of the need not to ignore the scientific data.

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Reform set to cut complexity of inheritance tax

Proposed changes could have far-reaching implications for future estate tax planning

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Fines fly following airline cyber breach

The news that British Airways is facing a fine of £184m after personal data of some 500,000 customers was harvested by cybercriminals shows the tough stance of the UK’s data regulator following the introduction of new EU data protection laws last year.

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Proposed changes to the leasehold reform system

Here, we look at the committee’s findings, examine what the government’s response is likely to be, and discuss the reaction of the housing sector so far.

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Gifts and entertainment or bribery and corruption?

Under the Bribery Act 2010, any corporate gift or hospitality must be reasonable and proportionate. Companies who get it wrong may find themselves on the wrong side of the law.

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Christmas party: avoiding a cracker of a hangover

As the clock ticks down to Christmas party time, companies need to avoid the event becoming the wrong sort of cracker.

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Debunking myths about dying without a will (intestate)

Making a will is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. However, research from Royal London* found that 5.4 million adults in the UK do not have a will.

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Why a Lasting Power of Attorney is a business essential

When estate planning and will drafting, business owners often overlook the impact it may have on their business affairs. James McMullan highlights the issues that business owners need to consider.

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The life stages of legacy planning

Record property values and family structures make inheritance planning a growing issue yet research shows that more than half of adults in the UK do not have a will in place, with the figure rising to almost 60% among parents.

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Whistleblowers: A quick guide

Whistleblowers are protected by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, which means it’s against the law for anyone to be treated unfairly or dismissed because they have blown the whistle.

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