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Landlords must comply with the latest energy efficiency standards

Landlords of residential property could face high fines if they do not meet the latest energy efficiency standards.

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Financial support measures for businesses

Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 outbreak has struck a heavy blow against businesses of all sizes across the UK.

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How to pass £1m to your children IHT free

From April 2020, changes to the Residence Nil Rate Band could allow parents to pass up to £1,000,000 inheritance tax-free to their children.

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Countdown to contract changes for employers

For a change, something in employment law unrelated to the Coronavirus pandemic!

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COVID-19: IR35 delayed to 6 April 2021

Owing to the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Government have opted to delay the controversial IR35 tax reforms, which were due to come into force on 6 April 2020, by one year.

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COVID-19 sick pay and support for businesses and employees

We are living in unprecedented times and following on from Boris Johnson’s announcement on 23 March 2020, the UK is ultimately on lockdown. Karen Cole looks at the options for employees and employers alike.

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Good practice is vital for employers in managing tribunal claims

In July, the Supreme Court ruled that Employment Tribunal claim fees were unlawful, meaning all Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeals Tribunal fees paid since 2013 will need to be reimbursed.

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Top 5 tips for a successful business relocation

It’s said that moving house is one of the most stressful events of your life.

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Giving rookie renters a helping hand

Following the recent A level results, many first-time students will be looking for last-minute accommodation, if they aren’t heading to their first choice of university with an assured place in the halls of residence.

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How to behave in front of the children during a divorce

The priority must be the children’s welfare and wellbeing. Using them as a weapon is cruel in the extreme.

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Workforce wellbeing must include mental health awareness

A recent workplace study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development found that those suffering from mental health issues were 37% more likely to get into conflict with colleagues, 80% found it difficult to concentrate and 50% are potentially less patient with customers/clients.

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How to speed up the conveyance process

Getting that SOLD! sign up faster in a soft market

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