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Landlords must comply with the latest energy efficiency standards

Landlords of residential property could face high fines if they do not meet the latest energy efficiency standards.

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Financial support measures for businesses

Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 outbreak has struck a heavy blow against businesses of all sizes across the UK.

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How to pass £1m to your children IHT free

From April 2020, changes to the Residence Nil Rate Band could allow parents to pass up to £1,000,000 inheritance tax-free to their children.

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Countdown to contract changes for employers

For a change, something in employment law unrelated to the Coronavirus pandemic!

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COVID-19: IR35 delayed to 6 April 2021

Owing to the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Government have opted to delay the controversial IR35 tax reforms, which were due to come into force on 6 April 2020, by one year.

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COVID-19 sick pay and support for businesses and employees

We are living in unprecedented times and following on from Boris Johnson’s announcement on 23 March 2020, the UK is ultimately on lockdown. Karen Cole looks at the options for employees and employers alike.

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Dangers of deceit

In the case of Pisante v Logothetis, the Commercial Court ruled that false statements made by the Defendant encouraged the Claimant to make substantial investments in the Defendant’s business. The Court relied on the law of deceit awarding the Claimant significant damages plus the rescission of the contract.

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Character is, perhaps, destiny

Reliance on 'good character' is not limited to dishonesty allegations (although it is most often seen in that context). It is not a defence but remains a useful tool in the box.

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When jointly doesn’t mean equally?

We highlight the difficulties an unmarried couple may face when they own property together in the event of a relationship breakdown.

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Relationship breakdowns

RIAA Barker Gillette is a leading family law firm in Central and North London. It is our approach that stands us apart.

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The importance of being transparent

Under the SRA's Transparency Rules 2019, authorised firms must publish costs and complaints information to clients and potential clients on their websites.

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Are NDAs appropriate in the workplace?

The use of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) in the workplace has come under scrutiny in recent years. Some employers have been using them to prevent employees from reporting misconduct allegations.

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