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Data transfers: EU/US Privacy Shield shattered

On 16 July 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) struck down the European Union (EU)/United States (US) Privacy Shield, which served as the mechanism for which EU citizens’ personal data could be shared with the US. Instead, companies must now use standard contractual clauses (SCCs).

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RIAA Barker Gillette strengthens its Regulatory Team

West End Law firm, RIAA Barker Gillette, has today announced the appointment of partner Susan Humble strengthening its growing Regulatory practice.

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Contractually responsible behaviour during COVID-19

The Government has issued guidance advising people to act “responsibly and fairly” during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Delayed, but not cancelled: Company directors’ responsibilities

Company directors will be focused on the bottom line and corporate governance as they continue to navigate their way through the pandemic lockdown and the Government’s route map towards business as usual.

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Supreme Court clarifies employer’s vicarious liability

The Supreme Court clarifies the scope of an employer’s vicarious liability for the conduct of its employees

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Mental Health Awareness Week

A word from our employment partner, Karen Cole, during Mental Health Awareness Week

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Employment Law: The Basics

The basics of what employers need to know and what they should be mindful of.

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Brand protection and your business

If your brand is left unprotected, there is a serious risk to your business. We set out below how registering a trade mark can yield sizeable commercial benefits whilst simultaneously mitigating risk.

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What is General Data Protection Regulation?

The aim of the GDPR is to harmonise the current data protection laws across the EU member states.

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Getting problem relationships through tinsel time

The family-focus of Christmas is often followed in January with news of unhappy couples who decide to call it quits, leading to so-called Divorce Day, as family lawyers receive a surge of enquiries when they re-open after the break.

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The Bribery Act: The one time you should look for the price tag

The Bribery Act ushered in a stricter anti-corruption regime when it came into force in 2011 and although Christmas gifts and hospitality are not banned, it’s important that companies don’t splash out and end up in deep water with over-generous Christmas gifts.

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How employers can say no, without saying a word

Employers juggling their workload need to ensure workers can take their rest breaks.

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