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Employers Guide: Returning to work from furlough

With the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough) ending on 30 September 2021 and many furloughed workers returning to work within the next few months, we set out some of the key steps employers should think about to make the transition back to work as smooth as possible.

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The Euston Estate: Compulsory purchase proceedings

RIAA Barker Gillette act in the largest and most complicated action in the Upper Tribunal of its kind!

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Professional conduct and proportionality: a fine balance

"The proof is in the pudding" says regulatory specialist, Susan Humble.

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Pandemic insurance claims set for settlement following ruling

As coronavirus continues its freeze on normal life, with strict lockdown measures back in place, many businesses will breathe a sigh of relief following January 2021's Supreme Court ruling confirming when business interruption insurance policies should pay out during a pandemic.

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Susan Humble’s article “Head over Heart” features in the Solicitors Journal

It is time to use the heart when managing junior staff says regulatory specialist, Susan Humble.

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Brexit Six: Contractual side effects from 1 January 2021

The end of the transition period of the Withdrawal Agreement on 31 December 2020 will signal the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union (the EU).

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Family mediation and child arrangements

What to do when you separate and there is no agreement in place for the children?

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Is your business acquisition ready?

Is your business ready for an acquisition? Learn key considerations from corporate lawyer Evangelos Kyveris at RIAA Barker Gillette, including growth strategy alignment, financial readiness, logistical preparation, and professional assistance for a successful acquisition.

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How should an employer respond to a ‘heat of the moment’ resignation?

Employers should remember that a 'heat of the moment' resignation should be treated differently from those that come in the usual course of business. They are often verbal and unexpected and usually follow a workplace disagreement. To do otherwise may expose the business to the risk of an unfair dismissal claim.

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Understanding financial provisions on divorce

Divorce can be emotionally challenging, and navigating the financial aspects can add to the challenge.

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Agile AI Regulation: Moving with the times

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more prominent everywhere we look in our everyday lives. The critical questions for those trying to make AI safer with regulations are: how broad, how soon and how strict should they be?

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Working with freelancers

In today's evolving job market, more and more professionals are opting for freelance work rather than traditional employment. This shift has prompted businesses to adapt their recruitment practices to accommodate the growing number of freelancers.

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